
Bang! Poster

The newest member of the Bang! exhibition.

Parq Magazine

For the December issue


Graffiti Jam 09

My first go at painting with cans! Arrrg! Done in collaboration with the kick ass graffiti artists: Klit & Mar
Location: Ramada/Odivelas

Mural Painting

Done in collaboration with another 6 artists @ Parq Mayer Lisbon

Bang! Exhibition III

Here is some of the art work you can find at my exhibition @ Euro RSCG Lisbon, until January 2010

Bang! Exhibition II

Here is some of the art work you can find at my exhibition @ Euro RSCG Lisbon, until January 2010

Bang! Exhibition I

Here is some of the art work you can find at my exhibition @ Euro RSCG Lisbon, until January 2010

Fabrica Features Exhibition

Artist Level's Collective Exhibition @ Fabrica Features Lisbon

GAU - Urban Art Gallery

This piece was done in partnership with the graffiti artist Klit.
The GAU project was supported by the municipality of Lisbon. Helping upcoming and well known artists show their work by collaborating together giving urban art more recognition and making the city look cooler!


Bang! Exhibition

My first solo exhibit
Be there or be square!